Other bulletins in this series include:

Breast Surgery

Thursday 18 December 2014

Timing of norepinephrine in septic patients

Timing of norepinephrine in septic patients: Not too little too late. Critical Care 2014, 18: 691

Rachoin, JS and Dellinger, R.P.


After years and years of consensus expert opinion as to mean arterial pressure (MAP) target and vasopressor choice in septic shock management, literature is now emerging that supports the MAP target of 65 mm Hg and norepinephrine as the vasopressor choice. However, the literature remains sparse as to the timing of vasopressors relative to fluid resuscitation and how MAP support is balanced between the choices of vasopressor versus fluid resuscitation. Bai and colleagues report data that reveal an association between earlier vasopressor initiation in septic shock and better outcome. Whether this is a linkage to better care, is related to improved early tissue perfusion, or relates to sparing of fluids to reach the MAP target is not yet known.

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