Other bulletins in this series include:

Breast Surgery

Thursday 18 December 2014

Prehospital treatment of sepsis

Prehospital treatment of sepsis: What really makes the "golden hour" golden? Critical Care 2014, 18: 697

Sterling, S.A., et al.


The early recognition of severe sepsis is important; however, early identification of severe sepsis can be challenging, especially in the prehospital setting. As previous research has shown, advanced notification of time-sensitive disease states by prehospital personnel can improve outcomes and time to initiation of treatments. Prehospital personnel can potentially impact outcomes in sepsis through early identification and treatment implementations, improving processes of care and transition of care. Further research is needed for a full evaluation of prehospital treatment effects of identification of sepsis and treatment by prehospital personnel and the impact on outcomes.

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