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Breast Surgery

Friday 27 February 2015

A video to improve patient and surrogate understanding of cardiopulmonary resuscitation choices in the ICU

A video to improve patient and surrogate understanding of cardiopulmonary choices in the ICU: A randomized controlled trial. Critical Care Medicine, 2015, Vol. 43(3), p.621-29.

Wilson, M.E., et al.


To determine if a video depicting cardiopulmonary resuscitation and resuscitation preference options would improve knowledge and decision making among patients and surrogates in the ICU.  A video depicting cardiopulmonary resuscitation and explaining resuscitation preference options was associated with improved knowledge of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation options and cardiopulmonary resuscitation terminology among patients and surrogate decision makers in the ICU, compared with receiving a pamphlet on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Patients and surrogates found the video helpful in decision making and would recommend the video to others.

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